Dear BSER members, Dear followers,
I hope you, your family and loved ones have all remained safe over the last few months, since our last correspondence.
The vaccination programme makes us hopeful that there is light at the end of the tunnel, with some sense of normality hopefully returning in the next few months.
Our Society is beginning to reorganise; there is a lot to be done and quite a few challenges ahead.
To keep in touch with our latest activities, please consider subscribing to our webpage:
In the next few months, amongst other things: We will be hosting an online programme of Emergency and Trauma Radiology talks with a series of prominent speakers; the first will be Dr Elizabeth Dick – one of our founding members and our first President. Her talk ‘Great pickups and near misses!’ is scheduled for Wednesday May 5th 2021 – please follow link to register and attend for free.
We will be hosting two further online session, with a further speaker to deliver an Emergency and Trauma Radiology talk in June 2021 and posters presentations in July 2021 relating to Emergency Radiology (dates and details to be confirmed). Please register here to attend for free:
We will be contributing to the World Congress of Emergency Radiology (see to register) with talks by our President Dr Caren Landes and Committee member Dr Chris McLeavy.
Finally we would also invite expressions of interest from Consultant Colleagues who would like to join the Committee and contribute to our journey towards a fully-fledged Special Interest Group!
We have been invited to lead on the update of the relevant iRefer guidelines by the Royal College and we would welcome contribution from Consultant Colleagues – please email us back at with expressions of interest.
Best wishes
The BSER Committee