Welcome to our members area.
Our membership cost is £25 per year.
The benefits of joining include the following:
Access to recordings of previous BSER webinars
Access to upcoming educational videos relating to emergency radiology
Significant discount on annual conference fees
Invitation to BSER AGM
Option to join BSER Committee
Regular email updates with upcoming events
If you would like to join, please:
Click log in on the top right corner (or at the top on mobile)
Enter your email and password
Click sign up
Please transfer the membership fee by bank transfer to
Bank: Lloyds
Account Name: British Society of Emergency Radiology
IBAN: GB12 LOYD 3099 5039 9304 60
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account No: 39930460
Please use your name as reference
Our membership is manually activated after we confirm the transfer. Please allow a few days for this process. Please email us if there are any problems info@bser.org